
Comfort Kits for the Yakima Valley Red Cross

Some of our supplies for making our 2011 Yakima Vallery Red Cross' Comfort Kits have arrived from Dollar Days this week!

We also have several members bringing in supplies they've collected individually through the year to help complete the kits.

All together, our IPYC Members will be making 100 bags chock full of items for daily living, like deodorant, razors, shave cream, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, body lotion, body soap, combs, shampoo, conditioner, tissue packets, and washcloths.

This project is an on-ongoing legacy of our IPYC group that has been carried on for about 15 years now.  We are excited about being able to provide these kits to our local Red Cross chapter to hand out to folks and families who have been displaced from their homes due to disasters in their lives!

We'll post more pictures after our event.  :)



IPYC Newsletter: President's Message - Oct. 2010

President's Message
Dear IPYC Ladies,

One of my favorite things about living in the Yakima County are our seasons.  And it always seems the change and crispness of Autumn’s air and colors have a way of making me feel reflective about the current year and excited for what’s to come, all at the same time…like when I’m emptying my garden’s planter beds and dreaming up ideas for next year’s harvest (like more vegetables, perhaps, as I also recommit to a new health & fitness program while digging through my work clothes to find warmer layers that still fit!).  ;)

Bonaro W. Overstreet seemed to summarize this month eloquently when she said, “October is a symphony of permanence and change.” 

I believe IPYC is a great example of permanence and change in action, particularly as evidenced by our membership renewals, all those who volunteered their valuable time again to help on our various Committees, and even those who participated in the innovation and development of new programs for our upcoming year together at our last meeting.  Thanks to all of you who support IPYC’s continuation as a valuable presence in our Community – whether behind the scenes or on the front lines!  It definitely takes a team effort and your help does not go unnoticed. 

Carol Case and I are proud to represent you at the NAIW WA Council conference in Suquamish, WA, this month.  We look forward to bringing back even more fresh ideas of what other chapters are doing!

This month’s meeting is graciously being hosted by Sue and EmSpring, where we will learn from Dan Fischer as he presents to us on Health Care Reform.

And for this month’s challenge along with this month’s theme of “symphony of permanence and change”: please think about ways we can (individually and collectively) provide permanent value to our Community and/or be change-catalyst leaders in our various professions.  Another way to think about it: what areas of instability in our Community could IPYC step in and provide grounding help?  what traits do you most admire in leaders around you who have gone through change?

After all, Hal Borland said, “October is the fallen leaf, but it is also a wider horizon more clearly seen. It is the distant hills once more in sight, and the enduring constellations above them once again.”

Thanks IPYC – looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

Corrie Van Oostrum
IPYC President 2010-2011
Insurance Professionals of Yakima County


NAIW Event: Annual Luncheon @ Bellingham's Hotel Bellwether - you are invited!

If you haven't already, please RSVP for the upcoming to attend the National Association of Insurance Women's (NAIW) Region IX Annual Luncheon! This year it is being held at Bellingham's Hotel Bellwether.

Insurance Professionals of Yakima County (IPYC) is always looking for new members, so if you'd like to attend as one of our guests, please let us know!

Corrie Van Oostrum
IPYC President 2010-2011

L&I Postpones Annual Rate Announcement...until after the election

After a month's delay from its usual annual announcement in August, the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries has stated it will not be sharing their new 2011 "indicated rates" until after this year's election. 

Is this a case of politicians playing politics with the people, particularly regarding WA I-1082

The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Washington (IIABW) stated in their recent e-mail bulletin that they believe if the numbers look good for employers and the business community, surely L&I would release them like they have in the past instead of delaying.

To read more on this news, check out the Washington State Wire's recent article.


WA I-1082: increase competition, increase choice

Did you know Washington is one of only four states in the U.S. where employers are unable to buy industrial insurance coverage from the private sector?  We also have the second highest cost to business owners for employee workers' compensation.  Currently, an average injured worker in Washington misses more than 270 days of work (about 50% more than the National average) and is about 50% more likely to receive a pension if they've missed more than two years worth of work...a number that's increased 300% since 1996.  And even though the overall number of claims have decreased by 52% since 1990, the Department of Labor & Industries' administrative costs have seen an 82% increase between 1999-2009.  All in all, the State Auditor's 2009 report says Washington's Accident Fund faces a 74.4% risk of being insolvent within two years and an 89.5% chance within five years.

Initiative 1082 proposes private insurers also be allowed to sell workers' compensation insurance and programs to interested employers, increasing marketplace competition and improving Washington's economic climate while better assisting injured workers. 

For these stats and more information on I-1082, check out the video below and http://www.saveourjobswa.org/

Also, please feel free to contact us - the Insurance Professionals of Yakima County in Washington State - as we are able to connect you with local, independent, commercial insurance agents who can help answer any other questions you might have about I-1082's impact on business owners' insurance coverage options.


Welcome to our blog!

We're glad you found us!

We are the Insurance Professionals of Yakima County (IPYC), located in beautiful Central Washington State. 

The IPYC chapter's membership is currently comprised of about 20 local insurance professionals from five different insurance agencies and offices in Yakima, WA.  As part of the National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW), Region IX, we are dedicated to industry development and community service.

For more information about us, please visit our Facebook group and our Twitter page.

And please come back here soon, as we will be posting more information about us and our events!

Thanks again for visiting,
Corrie Van Oostrum
IPYC President 2010-2011